Du Bruyn Attorneys is a dynamic firm that stays up to date with existing legal trends, but grounded in the core values of integrity and client-centricity.
The firm is a level 4 BBEEE contributor and we also adhere to the rules and regulations governing the attorneys profession.
Furthermore, we are pleased to admit that our attorneys show an exceptional success rate and have continued to provide quality legal services while employing cost-effective strategies to ensure that every client can continue to trust us to assist them in future.
The Law, we believe, should be approached practically to effect real and significant outcomes, and not merely argued theoretically. This is exacly why our attorneys are mandated to continually stay up to date with the latest developments througout our legal system.
Our attorneys are highly experienced professionals who strive for justice in every aspect of their lives. They believe that the profession exists to hold the rights of the people to the standard in which they are enshrined within our constitution, legislation and common law.
Our clients trust in our expertise and integrity, and therefore we strive on a daily basis to earn that trust. Our goal is to foster an ongoing partnership with each of our clients, so that they can rest assured that we will be there when they need us, both in the present and in the years ahead.
(016) 931-0017